Uniting People and Communities


Devoted wife, mother, grandmother, animal lover, and hopeless romantic, Claudine’s passion for strong and healthy relationships is what fuels her desire to be part of people’s lives during the most memorable moments—the moments of joy or the moments of sadness and reflection.

Originally from British Columbia, Claudine spent many years travelling and experiencing different countries and cultures. Although she called BC her home, she never truly felt as though she belonged there. It wasn’t until following her heart to a new city that she began to feel herself becoming the woman she was meant to be. Happily settled in Ontario since 2008, Claudine has never looked back, and can’t imagine living anywhere else than the quaint hobby farm she maintains with her husband in the Township of West Lincoln.


Claudine and that guy who reaches
the high shelves for her.

Claudine also works with couples and individuals to help strengthen the pillars of their lives. Respectful and mindful of each individual’s beliefs, Claudine’s compassionate heart and ear are a starting point for the healing and growth needed to move past personal or professional roadblocks or to act as a bridge for those seeking future professional counselling or therapy.

During the unprecedented times of life during a pandemic, Claudine recognized that, more than ever, many people felt alone on their path. Her personal philosophy is, “It Takes a Village. No one should feel they have to navigate their life’s journey alone. There are so many avenues available to give someone the strength to stand tall and live a life of clarity and purpose.”


“I love love.”

Rev. Claudine has been Ordained with the Canadian International Metaphysical Ministry. Unlike our neighbours in the United States, becoming ordained in Canada is not as simple as paying a nominal fee and filling out a 5-minute internet-based application. Being part of the CIMM requires commitment and, in turn, allows Rev. Claudine the flexibility to tailor a spiritual ceremony in a way that is meaningful for couples from any background.

Whether it’s a wedding, celebration of life, or coaching sessions, Claudine’s heart shines through her eyes, and her words embrace those in her presence.